Wednesday, November 18, 2009

On a Mission....

Sarah entered the MTC today to prepare for her mission to Santiago, Chile. I am sure her farewell party was fun, and I wish I could have attended. From her Facebook postings, though, it sounds like she was all set to go -- frozen yoghurt eaten, fish gutted, mission boots purchased, mission pictures taken, and "I got my mission suitcase to close! Miracles really do happen to missionaries!" All the best, Sarah!

Speaking of mission pictures and farewell parties, GAP has a few mementos from previous missionaries de la familia (just helping you practice, Sarah), and now is the perfect time to share them. These things are pretty self-explanatory, so I will just post them for your enjoyment.

Perhaps GAP will receive a copy of Sarah's farewell picture to post, too?


Anonymous (Cathy, is that you?) writes in the comments:
What handsome men! These are great, thanks for sharing these with us Robbie! Congrats to Sarah also. You have become such a wonderful young lady! Have a blast!
Our sentiment exactly.

1 comment:

  1. What handsome men! These are great, thanks for sharing these with us Robbie!
    Congrats to Sarah also. You have become such a wonderful young lady! Have a blast!
