Sunday, September 13, 2009

Mystery Picture 090913

We know it is Grandma and Grandpa's house in the fall of 1980.

I know a few; one is even me. But, can you name them all?


Dave writes in the comments section, "I see Joe, Tom, Susan, and Stella for sure." Let's make this a little easier. I made the picture above bigger (click on it above) so you can see it better.

Also, for the sake of easing identification I numbered everyone in the picture and will keep track of who is identified.

1 - Dave
2 - Joe
3 - Tom
4 - Danny or Brian
5 - Kennilyn
6 - Cathy (?)
7 - Danny or Brian
8 - Rob
9 - Mike
10 - Susan
11 - Lori
12 - John
13 - Boyd
14 - Stella

Finally, I have another picture from the same time (click on it) that might also help identify some people.

I think some people will go unnamed unless I find other pictures from this day. I know there is at least one other slide from the same time -- these two were numbered 18 and 20 -- and there are probably more Anyone else care to share their slide book with me?

For the record, the car is Joe's Chevy Malibu, one of the few new (?) cars I remember him purchasing. I played in its exhaust cloud as it idled on cold winter mornings.


Susan suggests several names, which I have added to the list. She also says, "Lighting fireworks, of course!"


  1. Which one is you? I see Joe, Tom, Susan, and Stella for sure.

  2. 4 Danny or Brian
    5 Kennilyn
    7 Danny or Brian
    9 Mike
    11 Lori
    12 John
    13 Boyd

    Lighting fireworks,of course! Your dad and uncle tom are together.
