Friday, October 16, 2009

Non-Mystery Picture 091016

We saw a mystery picture of Rowan and Gladys a few days ago. This one, though, has information written on back:

Rowan, Gladys, & Family
Rowan & Gladys, Gail, Gerald, Ronald, Douglas, Linda, Laural, Clara Dee

I cannot match each name with each face -- you are invited to do so -- but at least we know when the picture was taken and who is in it. Does anyone know anything else about this picture or have a story to go with it?


Andrew Bore writes in the comments:

"My guess would be
BR: Gerald, Gail, Rowan, Ronald
FR: Linda, Laurel, Gladys holding Clara Dee, Douglas."

Thanks, Andrew!

1 comment:

  1. My guess would be
    BR: Gerald, Gail, Rowan, Ronald
    FR: Linda, Laurel, Gladys holding Clara Dee, Douglas.
