Saturday, October 17, 2009


In an earlier post, I mentioned a PDF file of Grandpa's album that I was (and am) happy to e-mail to family members upon request. One extended family member who received it wrote in to say that several names in a large family photo were inadvertently switched around.

"Page 23 shows a large family photo. ... I thought you might like to know for your own records that there are 3 names that are mixed up. The middle row should read: Vivian holding Rebecca, Colleen, JOLAYNE (not Gail), Doreen, Theola, GAIL (with braids on top of head), DOROTHY ANN (... with the long braid hanging down), Tom and Ronnie."

Here is the photo (click on it for a larger image) and the names.

I am presuming this correction is, well, correct, but can anyone else confirm it? Thanks for the sharp eyes!

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