Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Mystery Picture 090929 - Revisited

The September 29 mystery picture was referenced at the Stutz Barn site, where Susan noted in the comments that Grandpa would have been person "#15, but he was busy taking the picture". Well, as it turns out, I have several other pictures from the same series, and they include #15!

I won't bother with an identification list since everyone (but #15) were in the earlier post. I do wonder, though, who took the photo of the larger group including Grandpa? Does anyone know?

The three slides from this series are numbered 6, 9, and 10, so I know there are other slides from this family reunion. If anyone finds them and would like to share, please let me know. As always, I am willing to scan and return them.

Also, the slides were developed in January 1968, but I think it is safe to say that they were not taken in January in Provo. Does anyone know the date of this reunion?

Finally, there is at least one other roll that was developed in January 1968, which -- as mentioned in an earlier post -- can lead to file naming problems. That one also has a picture numbered 10, so I know the two rolls overlap. Sorting these things out is part of the intrigue of archiving the family history!

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