Monday, January 25, 2010

When Grandpa Went to Jail - Clifford Stutz (1982) (Final Thoughts)

The question has been raised, “Why publicize that Lorenzo Stutz was a polygamist and had to go to jail because he broke the law?” I see in this act a good and noble trait of character of which I hope flows in each of his descendants veins.

Lorenzo Stutz could have avoided going to jail by abandoning his seventy-two year old wife. Some took this easy way out, but Grandpa did not. For this I am very proud.

In my estimation he stands side by side with other notable religious martyrs and national heroes who have been willing to sacrifice all that they had rather than to abandon a principle to which they had pledged allegiance.

I hope that the descendants of Lorenzo Stutz will read into this account of his experiences in jail the same message and gain strength to place adherence to principle ahead of self in their struggles through life.

Clifford N. Stutz

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